Kate Feiffer

Kate Feiffer is the author of eleven popular books for children, a lifelong doodler, and a former television news producer and documentary filmmaker.

Her books include Double Pink, illustrated by Bruce Ingman, Henry the Dog with No Tail, illustrated by her father Jules Feiffer, and My Mom Is Trying to Ruin My Life, illustrated by Diane Goode.

Kate's life as an illustrator took off a few years ago while working with The Vineyard Playhouse on a musical script of My Mom Is Trying to Ruin My Life. The artistic director took note of the many doodles and drawings in the margins and on the back sides of their scripts and offered Kate a one-man show at The Playhouse’s gallery. Every piece sold.

Kate currently illustrates a weekly etiquette column for The Martha's Vineyard Times (written by Nicole Galland), and does cartoons and other illustrations for the paper. Her work has also been seen in Martha’s Vineyard Magazine, Martha's Vineyard Arts & Ideas magazine, and on Headline News Network (CNN).

Kate has lived has lived on the island of Martha’s Vineyard for the past eighteen years, but now that her daughter is off at college, she is dividing her time between the Vineyard and New York.

