Colby Cedar Smith

Colby Cedar Smith is a poet and a novelist who grew up in the Midwest and still dreams of the cold northern woods and the smell of lake water.

For the past twenty years, she has worked as a freelance editor, and taught creative writing workshops in grade schools, high schools, art museums, community centers, and university classrooms. She holds an EdM in Arts in Education from Harvard University and often weaves music, visual art, and nature exploration into her creative writing workshops.

In 2016, Colby founded StoryED Consulting and since then, she has worked with business leaders from nonprofit to Fortune 100 companies. She uses poetry as a tool to help increase empathy within teams, inspire mindfulness and reflection, and simplify business communications.

Her poems have been published in Bellevue Literary Review, Harper Palate, Mid-American Review, Pleiades, Potomac Review, Saranac Review, and The Iowa Review. In 2020, she received a Fellowship from the NJ Council on the Arts.

Her debut YA novel, Call Me Athena: Girl From Detroit, is published by Andrews McMeel.

When not writing, Colby likes to camp and hike with her geologist husband and two spunky children; visit art museums; swim in natural bodies of water; drink wine on her front porch; pull tarot cards; and hold living room dance parties.

Photo credit: Nic Robinson Photography
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